8 Benefits of availing a comprehensive car insurance plan


With the increasing number of private vehicles running on the roads, the importance of car insurance is also increased. Many states have made it a compulsion to have car insurance before you hit the streets. While car insurance is a must these days, your needs and expectations from the insurance plans can be different from others. Several factors determine the type of insurance plan you need for your car. A comprehensive insurance plan is one that includes everything you would need and provides you full-degree protection. You can find plenty of literature about comprehensive car insurance on the Internet to understand different aspects of this type of plan. This may cost you a bit more than other types of packaged or flexible plans but leaves no prospective untouched. Here are some benefits of comprehensive plans that would convince you to invest in one.

It provides a high level of security

It provides you a superior level of coverage by including personal damage, vehicle damage, and third party damage, etc. You can take reimbursement from the company or ask them to directly pay the bill at a network garage. This all-inclusive insurance gives you all-round protection and liberates you from all hassles.

You get compensation for death and disability

Comprehensive plans offer coverage for death and partial and permanent disability. It can be claimed for both the owner and the drive, provided the incident happened in the car while driving. In case of the death of the insured, the amount is given to the nominee mentioned in the papers.

Legal and financial issues are also covered

Accidents not only affect you or your car but can also cause injury to a third person or damage to his/her property. In such cases, you would have to pay the compensation and may have to face a lawsuit. Comprehensive insurance provides you both legal and financial aid.

Fire accidents are covered

Fire is not a frequent yet possible mishap that can happen with your vehicles. Most car insurances exclude mechanical defects but often include damage due to fire caused in engine overheating. You are likely to get full compensation for the insured declared value.

You are protected against theft

Another uncommon but possible loss is losing your car or some of its part in the theft. A comprehensive plan provides you aid in such cases and often pays you the entire insured declared value.

You get security against vandalism

There has been a lot of disturbance in society these days that has made predicting its stability difficult. In case there is a civil disturbance or riots and your car gets damaged in such events, comprehensive car insurance will reimburse you full repair-cost. You can also claim for the car’s market value if the car is damaged beyond repair.

Provide cover for the damages due to flying objects

If you do not have your car shelter at your home, you would park your car on the street side. This increases the possibility that any flying object like a ball, stone, or brick can hit your car or its windscreen. You can get the damage repaired and get reimbursed through your comprehensive car insurance.

Damages due to natural calamities are also covered

Comprehensive car insurance also offers protection from any damages caused due to natural calamities like floods, storms, hurricanes, etc. you can get the amount for repair bills or its market value based on the extent of the damage.

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