Post Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery


Wisdom tooth extraction is one of the most frequent dental procedures, and for many individuals, it brings back traumatic memories. Everyone seems to have a tale about their experience, whether it’s about what insane thing they said while the anaesthetic was wearing off or what they wish they had known about recovery before going under. So we developed a concise review of what to anticipate following wisdom teeth extraction and how to make your recovery as painless as possible to help keep recovery tales light.

What You Can Expect

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the final adult teeth to emerge, often between the ages of 17 and 21. Wisdom teeth are not required for a healthy smile and are not retained by everyone. Wisdom teeth may pose significant difficulties if they do not grow in correctly, which generally occurs because they do not have enough area to emerge. When this happens, the wisdom teeth might clog the mouth, causing discomfort and infection in the future.

According to the American Dental Association, people should have their wisdom teeth evaluated before age 20 to see how they are growing and to check for wisdom teeth impaction while the roots are forming. Your dentist or oral surgeon will undoubtedly advise you to have the last molars extracted in single outpatient surgery. Although wisdom teeth extraction is performed as an outpatient treatment, it is considered significant surgery. General anaesthetic or local anaesthetic will be given to make the procedure more pleasant, but after it wears off, you should anticipate some discomfort and agony. Inquire with your dentist about the sort of anaesthesia you may expect so that you are prepared when you wake up after surgery, and the healing process starts.

Taking Care of Yourself Following Surgery

You might anticipate discomfort, swelling, and minor bleeding after removing your wisdom teeth. Your dentist should advise you on caring for your mouth after surgery, but here are some of the most frequent tips for a quick recovery.

Avoid brushing, spitting, flossing, rinsing, or drinking through a straw on the first day after recovery to avoid dislodging the blood clot that formed where your teeth were removed.

Avoid solid meals, alcohol, coffee, soda, and hot liquids in the first few days following surgery.

Recovery Period

Recovery time for wisdom teeth is generally three to four days. However, if your teeth were impacted, healing might take up to a week. Unless you have an infection or dry socket, which occurs when a blood clot is released from the extraction site, pain following wisdom teeth extraction typically lasts 3 to 1 week. Swelling of the lips and cheeks should subside in 2-3 days, and stiffness and discomfort should subside in 7-10 days.

How to Accelerate Healing

There are several things you may take to expedite your wisdom teeth recovery.

  • For the first several days, take it easy. Normal activities may usually be resumed after the first day. However, it is better to wait approximately a week. You don’t want to do anything that can cause the blood clot to detach from the removal site.
  • Apply an ice pack to your jaw to reduce swelling. The ice pack’s cold helps relieve inflammation and the associated pain.
  • You may control discomfort using a prescription pain medication from your oral surgeon or an over-the-counter pain reliever.
  • After the first day, rinse your mouth gently with salt water several times a day to help maintain it clean and avoid infection.align: justify;”>

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